
Latest Sermon

Sunday, 14 July 2024

The Beatitudes: Blessed Are the Pure in Heart, Part 2 – They Shall See God

Matthew 5

Pastor Dalton Walker

Sunday Sermon Series

The Beatitudes

Matthew 5

Dr Dalton Walker

Galatians: The Gospel of Freedom


Dr Dalton Walker

How To Hear God When He Speaks

Luke 8

Dr Dalton Walker

So Great a Salvation

Hebrews 2:1-3

Darren Spykerman

Messages from Previous Years


Various Speakers


Various Speakers


Various Speakers

Sunday Sermon Series

Galatians: The Gospel of Freedom


Dr Dalton Walker

How To Hear God When He Speaks

Matthew 11:15

Dr Dalton Walker

So Great a Salvation

Hebrews 2:1-3

Darren Spykerman

Sermons from Previous Years

Wednesday Bible Study Series

Bible Answers to Questions

Genesis 1

Bill Lystlund

Methods of Bible Study

Psalm 1

Bill Lystlund

Let This Mind Be In You

Philippians 2

Bill Lystlund

Sermons from Previous Years

Wednesday Bible Study Series

Bible Answers to Questions

Genesis 1

Bill Lystlund

Methods of Bible Study

Psalm 1

Bill Lystlund

Let This Mind Be In You

Philippians 2

Bill Lystlund

Non-Series Sermons

Non-Series Sermons